• 1. Please don’t make it one big advertisement. 2. All posts MUST stay on the thread or category topic. For example, you wouldn’t want to talk about “Androids” in the “Philiosophy” category. 3. All threads that are nothing but a ‘test’ or an ‘ad’ will be deleted. 4. If you link out randomly to your own site when it’s not relevant, the thread or post will be deleted. If the links are relevant to the thread, that’s fine. Please use your best judgment here. 5. Be respectful of other people’s opinions and ideas. It’s okay to disagree and have different opinions, but present your case tactfully. This is a community. 6. Please don’t use affiliate links in this forum. When you externally link, do it because you want to help someone, not because you see a quick opportunity to make some cash. 7. Try to add value when you post. Don’t just type something along the lines of “What they said.” 8. Use proper grammar to the best of your ability. I understand that English may not be everyone’s main language, but make an attempt. You won’t get in trouble for a misplaced comma or for typos, but it would help everyone if you could make sure everyone understands your message. 9. No adult material. Be mindful that there may be users who are a lot younger than you. 10. “Bumping” threads should be kept to a limit. This means you shouldn’t keep replying to your own thread (without anyone else replying in between) to get it back to the top without waiting at least 3 days. As the forum grows, it can get very spammy with tons of users bumping constantly.
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